Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Women 2020: How Women’s Expectations and Actions are changing the future

Women represent just under half the global population and are the fastest growing group of consumers worldwide. There are four key dimensions in which women’s changing circumstances, attitudes and behaviors are effecting change: Decision-making, Workplace & economy, Communication & identity and Innovation. What are the key take-outs for brands?

Key Take-outs:
a. Expect use of media and technology among women to continue to increase, and greater demand for synergy between online and offline experiences. With increased responsibilities, automation of regular transactions becomes important. As such, brands should facilitate this, by helping to aggregate and curate information to create default buying patterns.

b. As women’s earning power increases, their roles as gatekeepers to other members of the household become increasingly prominent. Hence, greater understanding of their decision-making patterns and purchase journeys will be required, not only to reach them as consumers, but other potential audiences within their sphere of influences.

c. The new ideal of female identity is more aligned with women’s real ideals (the evolution of “women want to be her, because other women admire her”). Brands need to empower and help take the lead on shaping these new ideals. 

Download the whole report here: How women’s actions and expectations are changing the future

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