Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Super Bowl XLVIII Driving Social Chatter

Super Bowl XLVIII (#SB48) made up for what it lacked in on-field excitement with record breaking conversation volume on Twitter. This year’s event generated 24.9MM Tweets narrowly eclipsing 2013’s 24.1MM. Brands were out in full foce, with key trends emerging: brand-on-brand conversations; positivity within the ads themselves; sequential ad interaction; and the 'social bowl' which became an event unto itself.

(A) Brand-on-Brand Interaction
There were many brands vying for the attention of social consumer’s eyes throughout the evening. However, none captured those invaluable eyes more so than those that involved brand on brand engagement. Examples below.

(B) Sequential messaging
This is particularly interesting because it highlights the importance of the trend we are seeing of brands being built in links and tweets. This year’s ads featured a number of brands who used sequential ads to tell a story. Both Bud Light and Wonderful Pistachios ran teasers prior to their #SB48 ads, as well as a series of ads within the live broadcast that worked together.

(C) Positivity in Ad Messaging 
An interesting theme that emerged from many of the spots this year was one of positivity, inclusion, and Corporate Responsibility. Since auto manufacturers, soft drinks and beer brands are perennial sponsors, it was refreshing to see them take a different approach and it appears they were rewarded in terms of engagement.

Read the full MEC POV here: 

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