Winner of 2012 Singapore Media Award "Best Use of Radio"
How did SingTel manage to successfully engage a very special group of youths - the NSF males who have to spend a big part of their lives in camps?
SingTel’s Mobile Youth Plans
provide attractive perks and value-for-money pricing for students and Full-time
National Service men (NSFs), typically males 18 to 24 years old. For this
campaign, SingTel’s objectives were to engage with these NSFs, while amplifying
SingTel Youth’s brand proposition of “Express Yourself Freely”, in order to build
preference and drive sign-ups for SingTel Mobile Youth Plans.
on the insight that one of the frustrations of NSFs
being stuck in camp is the constraint to personally express their love to loved
ones, we developed the big campaign idea of SingTel being the Fairy Godmother
to fulfill these NSFs’ wishes and expressions of love towards their loved ones.
Radio became SingTel’s “magic wand” to
bring this big idea to life. It was the only medium that could reach this
cloistered target audience. We created an hour-long SingTel-branded segment on
Power 98FM where NSFs could SMS in the wishes they’d like SingTel to deliver to
their loved ones. We filmed the delighted reactions from these loved ones and
spread the magic in Facebook and Youtube. Supporting our engagement were commercial
radio spots and in-camp activation to provide more information on SingTel’s
Youth plans with a direct call-to-action.
The campaign was a resounding success with 18,072 Youth plan sign-ups, an increase of 28%
compared to other periods in 2011. We garnered 45%
positive online buzz compared to the SingTel brand average of 35%.
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